一部のソースコードをコメントアウトして動作ができました。とはいえ、原因の特定をしないと気持ちが悪いので もう少し掘り下げてみます。
/* KeyboardAndMouseControl Controls the mouse from five pushbuttons on an Arduino Leonardo, Micro or Due. (中略) This example code is in the public domain. https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/BuiltInExamples/KeyboardAndMouseControl */ #include "Keyboard.h" #include "Mouse.h" // set pin numbers for the five buttons: const int upButton = 2; const int downButton = 3; const int leftButton = 4; const int rightButton = 5; const int mouseButton = 6; void setup() { // initialize the buttons' inputs: pinMode(upButton, INPUT); pinMode(downButton, INPUT); pinMode(leftButton, INPUT); pinMode(rightButton, INPUT); pinMode(mouseButton, INPUT); Serial.begin(9600); // initialize mouse control: Mouse.begin(); Keyboard.begin(); } void loop() { // use serial input to control the mouse: if (Serial.available() > 0) { char inChar = Serial.read(); switch (inChar) { case 'u': // move mouse up Mouse.move(0, -40); break; case 'd': // move mouse down Mouse.move(0, 40); break; case 'l': // move mouse left Mouse.move(-40, 0); break; case 'r': // move mouse right Mouse.move(40, 0); break; case 'm': // perform mouse left click Mouse.click(MOUSE_LEFT); break; } } // use the pushbuttons to control the keyboard: if (digitalRead(upButton) == HIGH) { Keyboard.write('u'); } if (digitalRead(downButton) == HIGH) { Keyboard.write('d'); } if (digitalRead(leftButton) == HIGH) { Keyboard.write('l'); } if (digitalRead(rightButton) == HIGH) { Keyboard.write('r'); } if (digitalRead(mouseButton) == HIGH) { //Keyboard.write('m'); // この行をコメントアウトするとうまく動く } }
#include "Keyboard.h" #include "Mouse.h" // set pin numbers for the five buttons: const int upButton = 2; const int downButton = 3; const int leftButton = 4; const int rightButton = 5; const int mouseButton = 8; // 6,7,12,13 NG? //debug用 int LED_status = 0; void setup() { // initialize the buttons' inputs: pinMode(upButton, INPUT); pinMode(downButton, INPUT); pinMode(leftButton, INPUT); pinMode(rightButton, INPUT); pinMode(mouseButton, INPUT); //debug用 pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); LED_status = LOW; digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LED_status); // initialize serial control: Serial.begin(9600); // initialize mouse control: Mouse.begin(); Keyboard.begin(); } void loop() { // use serial input to control the mouse: if (Serial.available() > 0) { char inChar = Serial.read(); //debug用 LED_status ^= 1; digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LED_status); switch (inChar) { case 'u': // move mouse up Mouse.move(0, -40); break; case 'd': // move mouse down Mouse.move(0, 40); break; case 'l': // move mouse left Mouse.move(-40, 0); break; case 'r': // move mouse right Mouse.move(40, 0); break; case 'm': // perform mouse left click Mouse.click(MOUSE_LEFT); break; } } // use the pushbuttons to control the keyboard: if (digitalRead(upButton) == HIGH) { Keyboard.write('u'); } if (digitalRead(downButton) == HIGH) { Keyboard.write('d'); } if (digitalRead(leftButton) == HIGH) { Keyboard.write('l'); } if (digitalRead(rightButton) == HIGH) { Keyboard.write('r'); } if (digitalRead(mouseButton) == HIGH) { Keyboard.write('m'); // コメントアウトしなくても動作する } }
データシートもこうかいされているので、そちらも参照してみたのですが、それらしき記載がなく。 もしかしたら自分の持っているものの固有の挙動なのか調べたいのですが、どうしたものか。
【参考:データシートのページ】 https://docs.arduino.cc/hardware/uno-r4-minima/